Saya Koto Minatsuki
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Saya can be a pretty hyper person at times. She loves to laugh and make others laugh. She was never shy; she didn't see the point. Life was too short to be shy, or so she'd heard others say. She grew to believe it and said that whenever someone asked her how she could be so outgoing, because she really was. It was rare that she was ever afraid to talk to someone. She's never really all that rude to people, unless you get on her bad side. There are ways, they just may not be that obvious. Also, she gets carried away with things very easily. She gets her mind set on something and she needs to make it huge and perfect and as good as it can possibly get. You know what I mean? She isn't that way over everything, but she can be. While she can be anti-fighting, she also lets her emotions get the better of her and has fought people before. Nothing huge and nothing amazing, just normal fights.

Saya loves her music. She loves to sing and play instruments and she's good at both. She loves laughing and hanging out with her friends, too. She likes to draw and read, especially manga. She's obsessed with anime. Majorly.
She hates thunder and lightning storms. Saya gets scared out of her mind most times. She doesn't know why. It's the loud crashes of the thunder, mostly. She hates spiders and other creepy crawlies. They freak her out. She hates vegetables; especially the greens!
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Saya's parents abandoned her when she was two years old. She doesn't really remember her mother or father too much. She spent most of her life living under the wing of a man who took her in, feeling that it was his job to give her a home. At first, he didn't know anything about Saya. Then he started noticing different things about her, and how weird things would happen and stuff. The random shifting object, transparancy every now and again. Those were the first two things to happen. He didn't think even she knew she was doing it. He didn't know what to do about it, but he didn't say anything. Saya didn't have any idea she had weird abilities. She didn't notice anything, because usually these things would happen when she was concentrating on something. For example, her hair would twist itself around an invible finger (no pun intended) as she concentrated on trying to figure something out. Nothing she'd ever noticed. Sven didn't mind. He didn't know how to tell her, or if he should, but he didn't mind that she was different and he wanted to take care of her. Sven was in a situation that he couldn't tell Saya about, so he told her he was going to bring her here. He said he'd explain if he ever saw her again, and to her, that was a promise to come back for her. She's determined to wait for Sven to come back and get her. She misses him more than she's willing to say.