1. Use actual speech when you make a post. No l33t speak, no chat speak, just type out your posts as if you are writing a letter. No one likes to try and decode posts.

2. If you have an issue with another guild member, please keep it off the boards. No out of character name-calling or fighting will be tolerated. If you have a problem with another member and feel you cannot resolve it privately, you may contact the guild crew to mediate.

3. GMs have dominion over their own RP threads. If you don't like the way a GM has made a judgement call, don't whine to the guild crew. There's nothing they can do.

4. No spam, please. There will be a thread for bumping and for advertising other guilds and websites. Keep advertisements in those threads.

5. No, I repeat, no trolling for dates or cybering. Just because this is a gathering place for girl geeks and gamers does not mean we want to be bothered by random guys asking to chat and be their friend.

6. Any games must remain PG-13 in nature.

7. Follow all Gaia TOS.