The Rose that grows in the Darkness....
Goodevening All, I am the Nec[romance]r, you can call me Romance. I'm seventeen years old and I'm looking for more friends on Gaia so I joined this place. I like roleplaying, but I'm much better at chat roleplaying that I am at forum roleplaying so I don't really do it gaia. . not to mention the whole impossible to find Lit stuff.
I like to argue because I'm usually right so I tend to post in the ED.
My most favorite color is red and my second most favorite color is pink.
I like anime.
Vash the Stampede = Win, Fall Out Boy=Win too.
I wish I could think of more random things to put here, but yeah I just wanted to say hi and junk and see if people actually respond to these things. :3 most beautiful in the eyes of the Blind...