Dronning Dagmar
Wait, isn't the Auction house associated with the museum? Or are they two separate entities?

I assumed they are separate since museums typically don't auction stuff that much. I've never heard of a museum also running an auction house, and if they are in such dire straits, running an auction house as well as a museum seems like a pretty bad idea.

I found the website for the auction house. It definitely has nothing to do with the museum.

Now, I'm not saying it's not funny or hypocritical, but I don't think it's fair to accuse them of labeling it themselves when they didn't. It's easy enough to make fun of creationists while still keeping facts straight. xp

Ah...I see.

I'm not really making fun of them. I'm just pointing out a couple of things that are really odd, or contradictory. You would think they would have something to say about their skull being dated at 40,000 years old. I'm going to google it tomorrow to see if I can find anything on their side in response to the issue that some others have brought up concerning the 6000 vs 40,000 year thing.

I look at it like this. Say that someone buys that skull for the price that is wanted. That money helps keep the museum afloat. The museum still has to deal with the fact that the only reason they are afloat is because of a skull that they sold, that was dated around 40,000 years old, which goes against their ideal of a 6000 year old.

Surely they have something to say about it? I guess that is where I am getting at.