[1.] Adhere to the Gaia TOS. Although this is a roleplay revolving around romanticism, war and a rising supernatural evil, try your best to not make the details too horrific or explicit.
[2.] Romance is of course allowed, if not slightly encouraged to make things interesting. Just keep it PG-13.
[3.] Do not kill another player without their permission or do anything completely and utterly life changing. An example of what not to do is "Bob swings his blade to the full existent of his strength, tearing through the flesh of bill and tearing his arm from his shoulder." Rather it is better to just write the first part, but let the other player decide the extent of the damage inflicted - if any.
[4.] No god moding. If a bandit archer line is as propelled hand fulls of arrows at you and you have no cover you going to be hit.
[5.] Use some sort of ooc
[6.] this is a third person role play