The ancient Sharadon Forest

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The Sharadon is a large forest, trees and brush as far as the eye can see. The coastal Redwood trees there are ancient and massive, and for the most part, the forest is untouched. The Wolfs and their riders made use of a clearing in the center of the wooden haven, and so the soil is clean and full of nutrients. There are few paths through the tough and thick underbrush, the only entrance to the Riders homes is through dangerous trap ridden paths.

The forest is full of life; deer and all kinds of wild animals roam free in the land around the homes.

Sharadon Lake

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A simple spring closer to the mountain area of the forest, filled with fish and other still water life. The majestic water is so fresh and clear one would easly peer from a cliff top and see the deepest reaches of the lake, the water contains some healing abilities within it as well. If one was poisoned, drinking of the lake would slowly drain the poison from his body. If one was injured by flesh, he would simply bath in it and the wound would almost emediatly begin healing.