Okay, I have several Ideas for stories, and most of them I can't even get out the way I want them. This is sort of the beginning chapter of a book that is currently untitled. The rest of it is in my head, mind you, and I may or may not come back and add some more to it. I'll inform on my version of Werewolves and Vampires, and then post the story. 3nodding

-Can bleed like normal humans
-Are quick to heal
-They use saliva to turn humans into vampires
-Most Vampires burn easily in the sun, but all they get is a nasty sunburn, they don't melt/explode/die/etc.
-They cannot transform in anyway
-Werewolf blood or loss of a [a lot of] blood
-can kill them.
-They can feed on animals OR humans
-They are fast, strong, and have heightened senses
-Can live forever unless killed
-Tend to smell like perfume or Cologne, even with out using it


-Quick to heal
-Change whenever they need to or when angry
-Feed on anything, but mostly meat
-Can only be killed by Vampire or loss of blood
-Use saliva to change humans
-Change into large wolves (3x normal size)
-Can live forever unless killed
-Fast, strong, heightened senses
-Tend to smell slightly foresty (Like pine, trees, etc.)

If werewolf and vampire blood are mixed, the combined substances will burn, thus burning the organs, veins, akin, and thus killing the host.

A single drop of blood fell from the eyedropper. It plopped into the red liquid below. For a split second, the scientist observing felt a thrill of excitement, but before he could even the the word of triumph from his lips, the liquid started to bubble and fizz, until there was nothing left but a black and red residue.
"Honestly..." The old man croaked as he leaned back in his chair. "I've worked here for over thirty years and still nothing..." He placed the small eyedropper back in the rack and sighed. "Still nothing..." He repeated.
He pulled out a small notebook and a pen; Flipping it open to a blank page, he scribbled down: W317 ineffective with V239. He laid it down on the desk and stared gloomily at the ruined basin in front of him.
With an effort, he pulled himself out of his chair and took off his safety goggles. He moved over to a small bookshelf on the other side of the room and placed them gently on the cold metal. He shrugged out of his lab coat and tossed it on the coat rack. I grabbed his old brown coat and pulled it on, snatching his bowler cap just before he walked to the silver door and pressed a small green button.
There was a soft click, and then the door slid open, smoothly.
"Oh!" The man said in surprise as he looked down at the young girl standing in front of him. "Elaina! My, how are you child?" He asked. His voice was thickly laced with an English accent.
Elaina smiled up at the old scientist. "Doctor Richard!" She said. She spoke somewhat slowly, trying to pronounce her words correctly. "It eez a pleasure to see you again!" She brushed back her long blonde hair. "How eez seh research going?"
"Not to good I'm afraid." Richard said as he stepped out of the lab, just before the door closed. He glanced down at the small French girl and a wry smile pulled at his lips. "Do you happen to have anymore of those caramel candies Monique gave you...?" He asked somewhat hesitantly. He nudged Elaina just a bit.
"Doctor, if you eat anymore, zen I will 'ave none for my friends!" Elaina scolded the old man, and then sighed. "Alright zen. Here. But don't ask for any more."
She shoved her hand into the brown bag slung over her shoulders and pulled out two pieces of candy, wrapped delicately in a shiny golden paper. Richard took one piece and began to unwrap it.
"Well you can't deny an old man his sweet tooth." He joked with a short laugh.
Richard was about the pop the small piece of candy into his mouth when Elaina jumped in front of him. The candy slid from his fingers and went flying. Just inches before it hit the floor, however, Elaina's hand jerked out and she caught it.
"My you're getting fast..." Richard said as he reached out for the caramel.
Elaina ignored him, but put the candy in his hand. "How do you zing Mona eez doing...?" She asked as Richard popped the candy into his mouth.
"I'm sure she's fine. Just a few vampires after all." The old man smiled. "The day she fails to complete a mission will be the day that I loose weight and grow hair on the top of my head." He put on the best smile he could as he lifted his bowler cap, exposing nothing but skin on the top of his head. A ring of gray hair ran around the side of his head however, and a slightly unshaven beard on his chin.
Elaina sighed and started walking back down the hall. "She worries me..." She whispered quietly.
Richard put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed ever so slightly. "She can't get killed by her own kind, Elaina."
"Not unless she's ripped to-"
"Now, now! There will be no talk of that!" Richard frowned as Elaina looked up at him, wide-eyed.
"But, it is a possibility." Elaina stated.
"But i don't think that'll happen. Monique is tougher than you think."
"Zat may be so...but..." Elaina sighed. "We are partners in zis organization, but we never work togezer." She glanced back at the scientist. "We 'ave a meeting to attend." She said, changing the subject completely.
Richard stared down at the girl. "That's right. Mr. Cutcher sent me a notice on Friday. What time is it?"
Elaina paused to look at her watch. "It eez two twenty-five." She said.
Richard's eyes bulged. "Well then, we better get going. We only have five minutes and the meeting is on the other side of the building!"
With out another word, the old scientist and the young girl took off down the hall.


I'm sure there are several grammatical errors in this. >.> Please ignore those.

Also, Elaina is French FYI. X3 And Richard is English. biggrin GO EUROPEAN ACCENTS!