So lately, things have happened and quotes pop into my head.
The most recent was, I believe.. Trippy smiles and pointless trials, they're all a part of the game of love.

I have an account on and I'll post the most popular poems here. . . if you like them I could always post the others. ^^;;

This first one is the first poem I ever wrote. It was about two summers ago. I'd fallen in love for the first time. It's called Discovery.

Discover what does it mean
To become a true teen
All the confusion weighs a ton
And you'll sorely wish there were none
The kiddie days won't ever come back
Although immaturity you don't have to lack
That sweet sensation that makes you happy
Is really just a lovely discovery.

The second one here is about my dad awhile back, as a going-away present when he moved away. Personally I've always favored my dad and it was kinda depressing when he moved away. It's called My Father.

My father is unlike any you have met in men
Last time I saw him was in my year of ten
He is tall, handsome, thin with a head of black hair
And of eyes, a quite exquisitely pretty pair
He has talents that other men lack
Such as, for computers, a knack
Where he rips them apart and then
Puts them perfectly back together again
And once they're nice and ready to use,
its tools are what he likes to abuse
My father is a special person, one of whom I miss
He is always in my mind, and him here is my one wish.

Most of the others are tied in rankings.. but I'll post one more love poem. They seem to be the most common in my mind mostly.

This one was after a serious heartbreak, one that I'm still not over. This was just a few months ago I wrote this, sitting on my friend's bed and watching Degrassi episodes which is why it's kinda one-toned. Upon writing it I was actually doodling in my friend's memory book and not actually intending for it to be a poem about him, but, it happened. It's still got high sentimental value, though, and it's not half bad really. This one's called You're Who I'm Thinking Of.

I find my thoughts aimed at you
Wonder if you think of me, too
Grant me wishes, I'd only need two
To hear you say to me 'I love you'
And it'd be nice if you meant it, too
I know too much I think of you
And if not myself to blame, then who
With or without response, this I say to you
I love you

Yays, here they are, poems by Verna.
Tell me if you like them. :]
I've got a few more, some love-related and some not.

Oh, and before I depart another quote, yes?
Even though we may remain friends forever and nothing more, best friends we may remain. The past is gone and the damage doesn't have to stain.