~+~ Arena~+~

I was told by the leader of this Guild needed an idea for a arena type. So i have made one up just for the hell of it and she liked it. My idea is that the aera will be made up of a demon type based avatar and people will judge you from our own guild.

Only catch is that the avatar has to be demon based related for this week and that it has to have a small descripation on what the demon is like. Not really that hard but it will test your abilities to put the gaia items to the test, nothing really that big to it but try your best to make anything demony and it can be cute, dark, erie or any type of a demon that you would think that you can win with. FAIR WARNING!!!!! I am going to be also looking around for a avatar that looks like totoally cool! biggrin SO try your hardest and also have fun!

And if you need any tips I will help you out XD THAT GOES FOR EVERYONE I am a very fair person so have fun ^^