oh and good study tip for anyone taking exams: (i know most of you probably know this already, but...) smoke some weed while studying and then the next day before school smoke some more and all the answers come back to you clear as day. and its fun to go to school stoned.
HA! that is SO not a good idea xD I had to go on this lame field trip to the zoo for advanced art so we could draw the animals and what not and me and a few friends decided to get high right before we went and it was a complete disaster xD i was so out of it and the animals kept freaking me out. And my friend Luke actully tried to climb into one of the cages but the teacher was nice enough to actully TACKLE him right in front of the whole fuking class! xD although it was fun as hell i wouldn't recommend it XDD

It doesn't have to be weed ... you're supposed to make it so that the environment you study in and the environment you do the test in are the same ... it triggers your memory. So if you're chewing gum when you study, chew the same flavor gum when you do the test. If you're using blue pen when you're studying, then use blue men during the test .... it's simple congnitive psychology.
yes. that part i agree on completely, just the going to school stoned that i disagree with xD