The Secret of The Moon

The Moonless Marsh has become infamous as a cursed, terrifying place. The Moon has always acted as the Sun's partner; nature's night watchman, if you will. If the Moon is gone for whatever reason, then evil will flourish. This is why evil is always particularly strong whenever there is an eclipse, ergo the Moonless Marsh has a natural tendency for evil. However, it wasn't always like this...

Long, long ago, in the Lyndrian days of lore, the Moonless Marsh was a beautiful paradise. All could live in peace here, far away from the Shadowed fiends. Many of the Legendary creatures made there home here, coexisting happily, along with the Enlightened folk. This was one of the few places where the Enlightened could be regularly seen. These peaceful times lasted eons, but everything comes to an end eventually.

That end came when Humans found the Moonless Marsh. The Human royalty, envious of the natural splendor and fearful of the powerful Legendary creatures residing there, decided to take the area for themselves. The Humans gathered massive armies in preperation for the siege. The royal family sent out a decree that all humans capable of magic were to be drafted into the army. So the force of 100,000 gathered outside the boundaries of the Moonless Marsh, with millions more in reserve. The siege lasted for three decades before every last Legendary and Enlightened residing in the Marsh was dead. Alas, it was a Pyrrhic victory for the Humans. The hexes they had used had permanently driven the moon from the land, letting all manner of foul and evil beasts (except for werewolves of course) flourish.

Wights, wraights, demons, ghouls… and a lot worse. Can you solve the mystery of the Moonless Marsh?