Well hi! Im Mel, one of the dedicated crew members of this guild and i made this topic so you would know what not to do when asking for a donation. Weather its in the guild or someone else on the site.

What NOT to do
Try not to beg like your desperate eg;

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE donate im so poor . . . please please please i really need this

Alot of people dont like it when you say something along the lines of . . .

plz pplz i rly need sum moneyz plz donate to me sum stuff i rly need it

If you go into threads in the exchange and post the same thing in different threads people get annoyed. I saw this just yesterday. I saw the same girl in about 14 different thread in the EXCHANGE with the SAME post. I asked her in one of her threads and she ignored me.

What to do
Be polite, try to start up a conversation and work it into the chat. Rather than asking as soon as you get there.

Hey! what is everyone up to? . . . . . . . . . i like you avatar, its really kool! . . . . . . . . so do you have a dream avatar? Because i want to see what it looks like because you avatar is so good your DREAM avatar should be 10 times better! . . . . . . . . so what else do you need? Im questing a {insert item(s)/gold here}

Use punctuation and capital letters in the right places.
Go to the right threads and forums . . . . dont go to the exchange to ask for a donation, go to the charity/quest forum.
Thank the person afterwards and continue to talk to them, you might just find yourself a good friend!

I hope this has help you all in finding the right way to ask for a donation. Have a great day!