people tell me I should get my poems published but I don't know, tell me what you think.

What Happened?

What happened?
Where did you go?
What I showed you was love.
What you did was low.

I loved you so much.
And I thought you returned that love to me.
You were my world.
So much for the playful little “I love thee.”

I thought I could trust you.
It was a rude awakening.
You used me.
Now he thinks he is the king.

He thinks he won.
I won’t give in.
I’m not done.
He can’t win.

He took you from me knowing full well,
What you were already in.
Here I thought he was a good guy.
You can’t imagine the pain within.

You use the excuse “it wasn’t working out.”
I think it’s a lie.
I can’t be sure,
But I can’t just say “C’ya later, goodbye.”

I’ll do everything I can,
Everything to get you back.
I’ll try to steal you back like he stole you from me.
Or I might just kick his a**.

I pull myself up.
To peer over the wall.

I see a man standing.
Mabey six feet tall.

He pulls out a pistol.
And fires but once.

I drop to the ground.
I think "Holy s**t he missed!"

Then my fingers go cold.
And my head begins to burn and pound.

The blood drips.
And I begin to slip.

This life I knew.
Had just begun.

It was taken so easily.
Now I begin to wander "Wher will I go now; to who?"

I feel the air rush against my body.
My soul leaves freely.

I scream; no sound.
I shout; nothing.

I can feel my heart begin to pound.
Or where it should've been.

I realize.
I'm no longer on Earth.

Rather I'm being pounded down to size
With no way out.

I let me soul go.
Goodbye. I'll see you in hell.

I'm Sorry

Please anything.
I don't care.
Make it come through the T.V.
Show me through my daughter's teddy bear.

Just one sign.
Anything anything.
Just one rule.
Make it benign.

I just want to be assured.
That I'll see you later on.
In Heaven.
Swirling your 'pretty pnik' batton.

My sister.
My sibbling.
I was supposed to go first.
Why did you leave me crying?

Anne, I'm sorry.
I let death take you.
Now I leave this at your grave.
In hopes this will be the sign.

I'm so ********' sorry.
Remember to behave!
My dear little sister.

Christmas Goose Chase

Don’t you hate it?
When you open a gift,
Expecting something cool.
Come to find there’s nothing inside?
Then you feel like a fool.

Hah Hah!
I laugh at you!
What to say now?
Go eat poo!

No don’t do that!
Check the coat closet.
You’ll find a really cool mat!!
Merry Christmas man!!

My Broken Heart

We stand together,
In and endless white room.
With no end in site,
I hold you tight.
Suddenly theres an abrupt sound.
I spin around,
to see what it was.
An arrow thuds to the floor.
I look up and see a black clowd lead by triangles of silver.
They arch towards us.
I throw you down towards the floor.
And throw myself over-top you.
A shield for you to use.
They hit my uncovered back.
No pain comes.
The arrows and spears bounce off as if they were hitting metal.
I gaze into your eyes.
They are filled with the love I share.
You lean forward and wisper smething into my ear.
My eyes widen in shock.
My left breast is peirced by a spear that plunged deep into my heart.
My image breaks away.
I vanish from the room.
What you said,
It hit home.
Right where you wnated it to land.
It hit my heart.
And broke it apart.