Alright. I haven't had any problems yet, and I want to keep it that way.

There are only a few rules here, as I'm generally a pretty lax person. However, that doesn't mean I'm just going to bend over and take s**t from anybody on my sub-forum.

First off, this should be a no-brainer, but only I am allowed to make topics in my sub-forums. Commenting is okay with me in any of my topics unless otherwise specified.

As far as what you can post, Refer to the Watumelon Rules topic in the Guild's main forum. I'll outline simply the words you may not use, as the words you can use will obviously be larger and harder to memorize.

No ******** or any derivative thereof.
b***h or any derivative thereof.
b*****d or any derivative thereof.
c**t or any derivative thereof.
p***y or any derivative thereof, unless referencing some kind of cat or band.

Also, no "N" words, or any other racially derogatory terms allowed, either.
Anyone spouting any racial crap in here is going to get the internet equivalent of my foot shoved up their a**.
Let's hope that isn't necessary, because I hate the mess it leaves on my boot.

I, personally, only have a problem with racially derogatory terms when used hatefully towards others. However, the Guild's rules go for everything in the Guild, including here. I expect them to be followed.