Yeah normaly they are based on real life cases and stuff but I know that not in every case that it normally takes at least a day or two or even at times years to actually catch the bad guy... unlike in CSI where it only takes like an hour. yeah I know what you mean ~hug~ but know if you ever have to b***h and vent I am here and I have vitrual chocolate and trust me it helps lol!! But serrisouly if you just want someone to listen to what you are saying feel free just to b***h at me I don't mind cause I have a good idea how you are feeling. ~hug~ I know what you mean, normally I try not to judge but if I do I still try to give them a chance to show me thier true self, becaus I know that people put on a mask for the world, hell I am one of the people that do that, thoguh I am trying to stop, it takes too much enegry and it gets really stressful at times not knowing if someone likes you for you no mater what or they like who they think you are and most of all if they can tell the diffrecne between the two... but on the internet and on gaia I don't bother with that, I am myself on here I gues for me it is just a starting point to where I can soon stop wearing the mask all together... anyways... I will tell you I am not the best person when it comes to not judging people I tend to do it with out even meaning it. hmm... my blood sis would know more about this, she is better at pshcological stuff (is that how you spell that? you know what I mean right?) and she would make a good therpisist but she would just have to make sure she dose not tell the person you are a bloodly idiot why the hell did you do that dumbass or soemthing along those lines because I can almost gaurntee you that at one point she might say that to one of them lol. Yeah I find it kinda of comforting to see that at least someone knows what is like not to have family problems and that there are other ways you know? One of my sisters didn't used to have family problems and then her dad changed after an accident, he is arlight now but no longer the same, and now she is finally understanding what I am going thorough but I am scarred for her, because she was always more sensitive than I was and I am realy senstive when it comes to ceritan things and it is going to be harder for her I think because every day she is going to wish that things will go back to the way they used to be, but for me I can only try to think of what they would have been like, but she will probably heal better than me because she knows what her dad used to be like and that he was not always like that.... who knows. yeah it is nice to know that she loves him that much, at times it is annoying though because it seems to me that she losing what makes her, her at times but then it might be that we are both changing too, but at times it scares me that she loves someone that much because normaly I am just like her, and I fear that one day I might become like her, in love wiht someone that deeply. I am one of those people who kinda fear love. Yeah small world and getting smaller, things used to be so far away or they used to seem that way and now you can get on a plane and go anywhere, cool yet scarry. lol yeah it is, in fact there is one situation that sticks to me the most it was at lunch at school and I was sitting with one of my other sisters when my friend came over and told me so and so was crying, fake crying, and so and so was laughing, and her apple was missing, I turn to my sis and say I will be back I have to go play big sis or something like that and I walk over to the table tell them to give her back her apple and some chick I don't even know has it and gives it back laughing and I sigh and say something like, 'damn can't even leave for a minute without you guys miss behaving can you all please behave so I can go sit wiht my sis for just the rest of lunch?' which was only like a few more minutes, surprisingly they all did behave lol. so yeah big sis/mom figure I am always taking care of people it seems lol.... yay!! ~glomp sis~ although most of the time we are equals or the roles are switched some of the times in my oppion lol. Yeah, maybe my thinking is that when I was younger I had to grow up faster because of what life throw at me so for me it makes it easier to understand people a little more especially when they are having relationship or family issues becasue I know what they are going thorugh. Yeah, never stop or it will only be harder to start moving agian. ~smile~ I think hope is all we have to cling on, as humanity, especially with what is going on in the world today, hope is all we realy have, hope for peace, hope for a better life for the next genearation, hope for love and happness is what keeps people going you know?