Andor is not only the largest nation of the land, it is also one of the oldest with its formation as a nation occuring soon after the death of Artur Hawkwing. During the reign of the first Queen of Andor, Ishara, the traditional allegiance with the White Tower was formed.

Andor is bordered by Cairhien to the east, Illian in the south, and Mantheren to the west. To the north are Saldaea and Kandor, though the land between the nations is largely uninhabited.

Before Tarmon Gai'don, Andor was a wealthy nation with her capital city, Caemlyn, second only to Tar Valon in beauty. But now that the Last Battle has come and wreaked havock upon the world, her splender has diminshed.

Refugees from all over the world come and harbor in the safety of Caemlyn and other Andoran lands. Thinking the Dragon Reborn and the Queen of Andor, his wife, will protect from looters and bandits.

While Elayne, Queen of Andor, tries to fix what toll Tarmon Gai'don took upon her lands, an evil, although small, is rising.