The city of Tar Valon is the greatest in the world. It covers nearly the entire island on which it lies. It was one of the first cities built after the Breaking of the World.

Tar Valon is a very beautiful city. The White Tower rises from the center, but there are also spires, spirals, and fluted towers that rise throughout the rest of the city. Some of them are close enough to be linked by bridges that can be over a hundred feet in the air. There are also towers along the city"s walls, thrusting out into the river.

There are many squares in Tar Valon with every one of them is a fountain or a monument located in the center. The buildings themselves are grander than the mountains found in most other cities.

Shortly before Tarmon Gai'don, the White Tower was wracked with inner turmoil over the infamous Black Ajah, fighting to be Amyrlin Seat, and disagreement over the Dragon Reborn and his Black Tower.

Although all this fighting was going on inside the Tower's walls, the Ajahs, save the Black Ajah, managed to set aside their differences and fight for the world, themselves, and the Light alongside the Black Tower.

As in every war, a leader is needed to lead the people. Egwene al'Vere stepped up for the White Tower and lead the Aes Sedai into battle. After which, an almost unanimous vote in the Hall of the Tower to officially be raised Amyrlin.

Egwene used her power as Amyrlin Seat to form an allegiance with the Black Tower. Although male channelers who study in the Black Tower are not considered Aes Sedai, they are considered one in the same with the female channelers.