I'm tired of this life. this life of pain. of deception. this life of lies.
Friends lie, girlfriends cheat, what hasn't gone wrong in my life?
All I'm searching for in life is love. how hard is that?
Why do people seem to screw everything up in my path?
So they can achieve theirs? SELFISHNESS!
I sit in my room, dazed in heart brake,
crazed for love, but days just past by
leaving me all alone in my time.
No one to pick up my pieces
So it's time I start to.
I shouldn't depend on others to help me,
I have to help me to help others
No one wants a confused superhero.
No one wants me, the zero.
Who am i kidding? life sucks
life is just a game of duck hunter
God aims at his victims,
Death goes and catches the souls,
While we're just sitting ducks.
C'mon god, shoot me.
I'll peck at your face if you don't,
I've wanted to die for a long time
Why not now?
Why not me?
I have scars from my pain now
But it's pain i don't feel
only thing i feel is heartache.
and guilty for making such promises to a passing bystander.
Just pass by, like all the others
send me postcards from where ever.
I dont care anymore.
My blood is tainted with poisoned love.
I'm already dead inside.
But why not on the outside?
God is taunting me
With a favored death coming soon.
I hope for it
But God won't deliver.

Dark smoke rises,
Dried blood melts,
Memories unwinding our dark pasts.
Fear and hate come from nature,
Love from lies.
Death eaten away by power.
We find ways
To bring down the stars,
And to burn down Heaven.

Like the angel
We grow off the ash
Burnt black to blindfold
The being we have become.
Fear and hate carved in flesh
smeared in blood
Our wings our severed
To the blind sun
Beneath and stars above
Like the angel
We grow

If you want to see more of my work, look in my journal.