1) how often to you masturbate, and be honest. Mmm...probably 10 times a month maybe? I donno...since I'm single now it might be a little more often. (damn)
2) a**l sex, have you had it? Did you like it? will you do it again? Once. It was by accident (SURPRISE BUTTSEX!) and there was no lube and it made me curl up into a corner and cry. I didn't like it then but I'd be willing to try it out proper like.
3) Have you ever cheated on someone? Did they find out? Yep. Our relationship was pretty dead at that point and no he never found out.
4) Ever been cheated on? I don't know and I don't care to find out.
5) Do you think you're capable of murder? Hrmm yeah probably. I know how to shoot a gun well and I'm not afraid of blood.
6) Do you talk to yourself? Give me an example of what you would say to yourself. Oh god, I do all the time and I don't mean to. Most of the time it's sound effects, but sometimes I empathize with inanimate objects...for instance, if I accidentally break something or bonk something against something else, I'll go "OW!" like it hurt. lame, I know. But yeah I can't really give other examples because I don't really listen to myself when I talk to myself. xD