This is the story. It started abou 7 years ago. I was sitting in my english class. When this guy came to me. He claimed to be my father. He had long black hair crurly hair the grey eyes like my own. At first I didn't believe him. Mom had told me that my father left me and my brother and sister because he was on drugs. But that wasn't truely the truth. It was that he was the Ruler of the Underworld. So when I was 15 years old he poped up. He told me he was visting me in my dreams ever since he left me he couldn't stand being away from me for very long peird of times. He needed his little girl now and Since I was old enough now I didn't actually need a mother. If I wanted to I could go to the Underworld and be with him. MY mom kind of flipped out at first but over time she got over it. Now at the age of 21 I truely understand that being a Princess of the Land of the dead isn't what it cut out to be. But I am finally happy where I am at in the world. I have the best of both worlds. I guess I could say that. I go and see my mom every weekend and I go back to the underworld where its always night time. I am finally in love with life if you could say that. so I find out my father did love and he just wasn't ready to be one when I was little. I understand that the underworld wasn't ready for me either. They wasn't truely ready for me until ia was 21 year old. I feel at home now I love being a part of the Undead land. I love being a Vampire. I am an outcast from earth. I never felt alive there. Now I feel alive. That was all I ever needed. Well that is all about how I became a Vampire.

Your Truely

Unknown Princess