Okay, I secured permission to have a challenge of sorts, to get your creative juices flowing.

It is the custom to have a set of warm up exercises for National Novel Writing Month, to get you ready to start writing. The challenges are to write a piece, of any topic and style, using two of the three criteria below, of a set amount of words.

I have found this to be very effective in stimulating the writing bug.

So, first challenge:

Length: 800 words minimum

1) Use these words in the piece:

2) Include this line in the finished piece:
"On the days she wasn't helping in the kitchen, she was constantly mending an endless pile of clothes."

3) Story topic:
Make this piece about the first visit to a doctor.

Note, you only have to put two of these three into the finished work, and it must be equal to or greater than the word count.

This will be a weekly event. No prizes, just a way to stimulate you to write.