Breaking our rules is a major problem, because not only are they our rules, they are part of Gaia's rules. If you see any problems, please report them to us. I would advise it to be immediate. We're not gods, so we won't be able to see everything. Follow the form below and post it here. Once your case is done, we will use a strikethrough to announce that the matter is done with. If you don't see anything being done within twenty-four hours of your post, PM the appropriate crew member in charge of this subforum.

Don't chat in here. This is a very serious thread.

Why have I been warned/suspended/banned/etc.? I didn't do anything wrong! It was all [User]'s fault.
As I have said previously, we are not gods. We won't see everything that happens. We only go according to the report filed. If you have a problem, bring it up to the appropriate crew member. But setting yourself in that situation is your fault as well. I.E. If someone flames you, and you flame back, you're clearly at fault.

[b]Thread Name:[/b]
[b]User(s) Involved:[/b]