Indeed I am.
I probably have about 60 nicknames, but people here tend to call me Mire I guess. I don't really make friends too easily. I love to read science fiction and fantasy. Piers Anthony is what I'm reading currently. I love the Xanth series by him.
...erm...tons of other books. Lirael by Garth Nix is my favorite book.
Love to game. RPGs usually. Okami is my favorite game and I heart wolves.
Also chos and dragons.
You may ask what chos are.
cho - see chocobo
chocobo - giant yellow ostrich like bird from the final fantasy series. Rains chocobo meteor down on your head and over kills you. : D
Favorite color is blue. I suppose I have someone I really love. But let's not go into that. I love Sunkist. It's my lifeblood. That and pizza. I make graphics, usually with pictures, but sometimes without. I love my GIMP. I play WoW, but not a lot. I have two characters, a Human Pally and a Blood Elf pally, on different servers. 26 and 23.
Oh. I'm 15. And a cho thing. ...truthfully, I have no idea wth I am, so yeah. I'm weird. and really like cake and pie.
....I'll stop my talking now. Woosh...