I NEED someone who spends at least an hour a day on gaia to be my VC. pay based on experience, will train. the other person I had in mind has school and tons of other stuff, and hasn't shown initiative.
my guild is a baby, brand spankin new. it will take a lot of work, and is a guild to help newbs and old timers alike. must be trustworthy, able to manage gold well, and spend at least a half an hour in the guild every day and a bit of time promoting each week.
I am a very busy woman in reality, and can't get on here often, so I need someone willing to put their best foot forward and work hard. the more initiative you show, the higher your pay gets.
we are also looking for hard working crew members.
every 100 new members = a pay grade for all crew.
if you want to check it out, type ghgg into the search guilds bar, we are the only guild that shows up.
PM me if your interested. also, if you check it out, leave feedback in here so I can make it better for all members.