The Mirron Knights Guild is actually not my guild, but I think it's an excellent guild in itself and deserves attention.

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The former Kings of the Sun and Moon wanted to combine their kingdom. Since the King of the Sun had a Daughter and the Moon King had a son, they decided to forcefully wed them to unify the Kingdoms for the greater good. One year after getting married, having their first child (Kage Getsuei) and taking the throne of the unified kingdom, everything went down hill. The King was abusive and controlling. With the Queen desperate to find something better, she ran away. She fell in love with a man in one of the all solar towns and had a baby together (Wind Tenpi).

Of course the King became angry with this and order his wife’s lover to be killed. This left the King bitter. He did more hurtful actions to the family; the Queen took care of Wind alone. Kage was somewhat abandon in his own household. Growing up without that love that was supposed to be there, Kage grew hatred towards his Father for his abusiveness and to his brother for taking away his place. Kage killed his father, and the Queen committed suicide. With both parents out the way, Kage at the age of fifteen, split apart the Kingdoms and thrown Wind Tenpi out on the streets. Returning to the Solars, Wind was greeted with respect and kindness he never saw before and became their new prince.

No one knows the fate of the Kingdom’s now. Will they unify again, or settle their differences as separate Castles?


What's Going on in the Guild? ↓

• The role play starts off in the Solar Kingdom where Wind is coming home from a late night out, thinking of serious matters that troubled him. Careless as he is he ordered the guards to shoot anything that may seem like a threat and upon his arrival he was almost shot down. Hearing the shooting Koi investigates. She comes to find that Wind has left his room without proper supervision, also he commanded the guards without her permission. Morning comes and Koi wanders down the steps of the Castle towards Sola town. Interrupted by Wind flying out the window, he clung to Koi and insisted that they go to town together. Koi was dissatisfied with the guards for listening to Wiind in the first place. Being devilish she saw Albercht wandering aimlessly in the near the castle windows and called him down. She promoted Albercht to Co Captain for the day until she can talk with the real Co Captain about his actions in handling orders from Wind. Albercht soon leaves and a rogue solar named Rurou came bearing his swords in a hostile manner. This left Koi angered and confused and told him to stand down or die.

Wind Tenpi tries to make his leave while the rogue Solar, Rurou Hidenari threatens him and Koi. They end up battling which drove Koichi Naru insane with anger. Koi brings order back to the situation and Rurou apologizes for his behavior and tried to get a job. He proposed that he shows his loyalty by killing anyone that has been causing trouble, doesn’t matter if solar or lunar. Koi didn’t approve of his methods and turned him down for now. After ordering the barrier from only allowing solars to allowing no one was establish by Koi. Lenon Kärlek makes his entrance and runs to the library of the Solar castle. Criticizing some of the things he saw he walks into the scene of where Rurou was causing a disturbance, Koi spotted him. Making a nice introduction, we come to find that he and Wind are friends. Koi orders Albercht to make Rurou leave, but he ignores her which will result in her demoting him soon. Rurou leaves the Solar Kingdom on his own. Koi and Winf make their leave from the Solar Kingdom as well heading toward Sola Town just outside the Kingdom walls.
• Continuing the role play, during this morning in the Lunar Kingdom; Amaya strolls near the kingdom gates on a brilliant steed. A guard catches eye of her and tells her to leave. Amaya doesn’t seem to take lightly to orders from people she finds to be on a very low standard. Borixyu in her manned wolf form watches as she bends in to be a woodly creature curiously stumbling upon their scene. Amaya leaves the guard and Borixyu follows. She plays the innocent animal for a while and Amaya plays along knowing she must have a human form, for she did not seem like a regular animal to her. Soon enough Borixyu revealed herself and Amaya stood not amazed. They become acquaintances and Amaya makes her leave. Kage getting his daily shower in the morning, Boirxyu attends to her King while bathing. They mated from the bathroom to the bedroom as they always do occasionally from time to time. Regaining their rest, Kage gets up and prepares himself to make his leave. Borixyu announce that she’ll be getting married and that this will be the last time they will sleep together. Borixyu lied. Kage displayed displeasement yet accepted that she will wed soon.
• Amaya welcomes herself to the Grassy Plains, finding herself a place of resting and relaxation. She turns into a wolf and rest with her steed.