(Im sorry If I wasn't allowed I thought someone should put this up)

1. Shodai

2. Nidaime

3. Sandaime

4. Yondaime

5. Godaime

6. Rukudaime

7. Shichidaime

8. Hachidaime

9. Kyuudaime

10. Juudaime

11. Juuichidaime

12. Juuinidaime

13. Juusandaime

14. Juushidiame

15. Juugodaime

16. Jurokudaime

17. Juushichidaime

18. Juuhachidaime

19. Juukudaime

20. Nijuudaime

Ok I made this because this is what you call yourself when your a kage say if your the 5th hokage people could call you the 5th, 5th hokage, 5th Fire shadow or Godaime Hokage this works for all kages not just hokages. Im sure we won't reach the Nijuudaime for like at least 5 years from now but I think we need to have this somewhere.