Hello and welcome everyone to the information subforum about the guild: The Wanderers of the Path. My hope is that you will send in as much invites of friends, yourself and others to my guild.

The Wanderers is a fairly new guild that has started plus minus a couple months. The greatest needs of my guild is active members that love role playing and a banner. As you can imagine its fairly difficult to advertise a guild that is baanner-less.

I, Demonic Storm, am the captain of The Wanderers. My guild specialises in many things of which includes roleplays, games, personal world conspiracy theories etc to check out the guild (or what little there is of it at this stage) please take a look at it and for all those potential members of The Wanderers that decide to join the path of this guild please ask away in the thread or you could send me and email: wolfrun@webmail.co.za

The Wanderers of the Path Guild: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/index.php?guild_id=31095