Hi guys! I am so immensely pleased and proud that so many of you all have joined up. I see a lot of potential for all of us! My ultimate vision is to see this as the PLACE to go on Gaia for information about website making, photoshop, html questions, design questions, profile designing, and ANYTHING graphics related. It is a good goal but I can't do it myself! emo SO! I have established a few beginner goals that everyone can help with. They are easy to accomplish if we all work together.

Goal #1: Recruitment
Sharing can't happen without talking! I'd love to have a broad member base for this guild. I personally invited 80 people to begin with. Out of that number, 52 accepted the invitation. That is a 65% return on effort! I simply used the search feature on Gaia to find people who had listed graphic design as an interest. It's that easy! If everyone could find the time to talk to 10 other people and link them to the guild, that's another 520 invites. If the 65% return rate is any indication of what is normal, that's 338 new members to add to our knowledge and experience pool.

Goal #2: Making Subforums
I'd love to add two subforums for the time being: an off-topic discussion subforum and a member gallery subforum. Each subforum costs 2,500 gold. We almost have enough for the first, but require donations for the second. If every member donated around 50g, we would have enough for both subforums!

Whee! Thanks for donating guys! Goal #2 COMPLETE!

Goal #3: Promoting Crew Members
This will take a little time as we all get to know each other. I'd love to promote two or three members to crew status to help keep the guild functioning smoothly. As more members join, we can promote more crew members. Helpful, active, and friendly members will be the ones considered for promotion!

Thanks for reading guys! If anyone has any comments about this, don't hesitate to speak up here in this thread.

The Judas Horse