My art teacher was the biggest ******** stoner. I think all high school art teachers are.
One of my best friend's older brother went to New Orleans a couple years back and met this drug dealer named Buba. He was probably trying to get drugs. Anyways, told him were he was from, and Buba was all "Hey I know someone from there! Juice Barkley! That guys dropped the most acid I've ever seen!" And Chumy was all "Haha, that's my outdoor/environmental science teacher." So when he got back he was all "Buba says 'hi' Juice." And he was all "That was a long time ago, ok?!" And Chumy graduated about 4 years ago, but we still say Buba says hi to Mr. Juice Barkley. Its fun.


um no my old art teacher was a stoner he played in a jimi hendrix tribute band and came to class drunk. but my new one is the biggest weiner in the world. hes a doormat and he stinks cause he sweats a lot and he cant even draw

o well he likes pretty good music though
Thats funny. An astronomy teacher at my school that is also a displine guy that gets you in trouble and gives you OSS is like ocntantly drunk. Its so rediculous.

My art teacher listens to good music too. And then the kids will come in and listen to some shitty music on the radio. And he'll be all "******** no bitches!!!" and put in a Morphine cd or The Doors or Bjork or something not shitty. I think all art teachers have to have good taste in music. Or else they fail at teaching.