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User Image December 29, 2008;
Hello~ I hope you all had a Merry Christmas or just a general Happy Holiday. n___n
I just want to reiterate what I've already said in my previous News & Updates post : please use the new Chatterbox subforum!
I would like it if everyone could get into the habit of using the Chatterbox subforum now and in the future for any posts that do not fit into the other guild subforums. Also, since it is a Chatterbox subforum, anything goes. Discuss your day at work or school, rant about your siblings, post links to other websites such as Myspace or IAM, and anything else.

I know I've said this in the past, but this time, I really want to actually do it. I want to start holding some guild events and contests.
I have a few ideas and I'd love to hear your guys' suggestions as to what types of events, contests, and prizes you think we should have.
Here's a small list of ideas I've come up with~

User Image Member of the Month :: Members will nominate a member that they think deserves to be in the member spotlight for the following month. Since the guild is relatively small and not so active, I figure it'll take a while before a lot of nominations are made and so a member of the month will be decided on the first of the month, and during that same month, a new member will be decided on for the second. For example: Member A has been decided to become Member of the Month for January. During the month of January, everyone posts new nominations for the Member of the Month of February. That way there's enough time for people to participate.

User Image Guild Referral Contest :: Recommend the guild to your friends! Whoever gets the most people to join within a week {subject to change} wins a prize of an undetermined amount of gold. For this contest, you will need to let your friends know to mention your username when they apply to join otherwise no one will know you referred them!

User Image Avatar Contest :: It is what it is, an official avatar rating contest. I think in the beginning, I'll start with a basic contest with 1st place prizes as well as a 2nd place runner up. From there on, I'll probably do some themes such as holiday avatars, best coordinated, most cluttered, etc. Feel free to suggest some themes you think would be fun to use for the contest.
I don't plan on having an entry fee, though it may be subject to change in the future. I'll probably take a group of 10 contestants. From there, I'll post a poll with all the contestant's usernames so that you guys can vote on who you think has the best avatar! That way it'll be completely fair and no one will think I'm being biased. XD

So these are the contests/games I've come up with so far, feel free to suggest more that you come up with as well as rules and prizes for them.

And last but not least, one more update before I conclude this, because I think I've written quite enough already~ X3

User Image Crew/Moderator Try-Outs :: I'd like to pick at least 2 more people to be involved with our crew/moderator team for the guild.

I'll be making the official post for the Moderator Try-Outs tomorrow as well as starting one of the contests so make sure you check it out!

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