Hello, I just joined and I figured Id introduce myself.
My name is Neko
I am 17
I love talking to friends, roleplaying, my animals, and just having fun
I am taken and very much in love.
I have a slight Harry Potter obsession especially when it comes to Severus Snape, Tom Riddle, or Remus Lupin.
I have cats, dogs, and goats... yes goats.
I have graduated but am going to start college over the summer for teaching.
I hope to teach either English or History.
I love all sorts of music, right now Ive been listening to a lot of punk and industrial such as Ayria, Crass, and Authority Zero.
I live by the motto of Carpe Diem, seize the day. I refuse to live with regret or let time pass me by. Id rather go for something with all my heart and fall rather than live with "what ifs".
I can be one of the best friends youll ever meet, or I could be secretly plotting your destruction. Once we speak often enough, you will know which one applies to you.
I have a wide variety of moods, although I dont know if anyone here will grow close enough to tell them apart.
Right now I am quite tired, which causes me to be very blunt and honest with short answers. However, sometimes it will cause me to speak with insanely huge words and impecible english.
Oh well... just the rantings of another crazy soul.