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If you haven't stopped by please do so...this is a clickable link..

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Welcome and Introduce yourself if you haven't done so yet. We would love to get to know more about you.

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Gaia Glitch Note alot of glitches have been reported and in this linkable thread there is a very detailed list of all the reported glitches..

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Stop by and wish them a Happy Birthday or Belated Birthday..
Scarlet_Teardrops ~ March 2
gummybear380 ~ March 6
Squeakygirl/Proud Christian ~ March 19

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Yes Name changes sometimes happen. If you have one please let us know by stopping in by Name Changes.

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January Dice game still hasn't been won and March is now underway..stop by and give it your best roll..both are a free to play.

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Want a daily Bible Verse well Scarlet_Teardrops has a thread going for just that. Check it out...

zOMG anyone? Lord Tairen from the Coventry Guild has put together a multi-guild clan. Zomg Multi Clan..

As Always In Christ Squeakygirl, and Crew