Rules & Tips

This is a recap of the rules I had posted on our guild homepage. I'm gonna post them in the forum so they are not forgotten.

Please read them!!! They are important!!!

1. Please follow Gaia's ToS when posting.
2. No bashing.
3. Keep it at a PG -13 level if you are discussing couples (hetero and homo).
4. Don't spam. Please. Dx
5. Be literate when posting something. Terms like Lol, O rly, rofl, etc are ok but don't make your entire post in chatspeak.

Some tips:
- You can post topics yourself, but just make sure it isn't a duplicate of an already-existing one.
- When you see somebody breaking the rules, or if they are just being jerks, please notify one of the moderators of this guild, and we will handle it properly.
- You may post pictures, but make sure they aren't too huge, and they can't be vulgar either. No picto-spamming either.
- Try not to use too much profanity. It's allowed, but do not make a habit out of it.

Things You Should Know
* If somebody reports you to us, for whatever reason, we will look in to it and try to figure out a solution.
* If you are given a warning by one of the guild moderators, expect a ban next time. D: We want to keep our guild members happy and satisfied. We don't want to have to kick you out.
* If you post a topic, and you are no longer managing it, I will take your place and manage it for you. But if it's a dead thread, then I will delete it. Sorry. ):

There will be more rules in the future when we get a greater quantity of members, so please do not post in this thread. Just read and remember. ;3 is one thing I want to make clear:


But if you really want to make this type of thread, please let it have some form of discussion ok? I don't want this to be like some sort of branch related to the AMC. stare

To help our guild expand, please use this button to advertise:

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So, do you understand rubberband? Lol I hope you all will abide by these rules to make this guild as safe and as fun as possible.