Name of jutsu: walking Vision
Description: This is a non-offencive Jutsu, and a copy of the Akatsuki's Lit Apparition Technique. Once you do the need handseals. You will need to sit down and then a outline of you will appear. Depending on your main element is what colot the outline will be. It can appear anywhere that has the symbol(see below). Your outline can talk but can only be heard by other users of this jutsu. You will still be aware of your surrounding but you can't not see what is happening only hear and feel.

Name of Jutsu: The Eyes are the gates

Description: This jutsu always you to read everything in someone's mind through thier eyes. The harder the tried to hide something the more chakra you have to use, though. This is ever helpful with people who have forgotten their past.

Name: Remaking the mind

Description: this is advanced The Eyes are the gates jutsu. With this jutsu you can rewrite a part of someone's mind. Make them for get you or Make them forget what you did. This is use only by a kage because it can also affect the user by adding things this in your mind. If you make someone forget something it can backfire and have the memory transfer to your mind.

Name: Mass Remaking the mind

Description: This is a big Remaking the mind jutsu. This jutsu does danger the user mind. The jutsu effects everyone who was part of an event even the user. it does not delete the event, it just moves it to the back of a person's mind, like a memory from a long time ago. The effects on the user can be seen clearly. when you first use it, a chain tatoo appears on the users lower leg. Everytime they use it the tatoo grows and once it reaches the user's neck the user dies.

Name: The Other person's shoes.

Description: This jutsu is difficuilt to do become you need the victum to remain still for abit. You change minds for a bit and let the person feel the pain that you would have felt. But this is only for a moment and you still feel the pain.

Name: Fighting Spirit

Description: If a warroir has someone important to defeat and dies in a fight the body will fight on the mind will pushed the body as far as possible, but the body will only fight for 10 minutes(10 posts) after that all the muscles will rip off the bone and the body will just fall to the ground and it not be able to move ever again, not even if the warrior is turned into a puppet the body will not move on its only.

Name of Jutsu/Weapon: Burning skin

Description: This jutsu works by making the skin burning hot. The heat of the skin incease with your rank, Genin to is like a minor burn if someone touches you, Kage/Sannin it is like you jumped into a fire. The user doesn't feel the burning, but he does know the the jutsu is working by his skin turning a red color.

Name: Fireproof web

Descrtiption: this is an improvement on Spider's web. Now the web can't be burned away with normal fire, because it is coated with a frieproof substance. The web also because as strong as metal. People will have to use a new ways to get out of it and if the poeple strungles to get out it just cause them to get trapped in the web even more. The web can be cut by chakra or a sword that is strong enough to cut metal.

Name: Web wrapping

Description: this only works once someone is in a web. The Web begins to wrap around them and trap them in a cocoon of webbing. The User can stop the webbing from cover any area of the victium. The webbing can be ripped off but not by someone in the webbing. Someone outside of the webbing will have to come along to help the victium. One person in the web wrapping at a time.

Name of Jutsu: Resurrection to the Pure World
Rank: S
Description: Unlike Resurrection to the Impure World, the person who is ressurrected can work on thier on. Not controled by one person. but they will have a life-link to the person who ressurrected them. The User will need the body of the person in order to bring them back without it the jutsu is useless. If the User is killed they person who is ressurrected will have to find a new body within 10 days(in reallife) or they will dead as well. Both also have a link to one another this link will allow them to talk without being in same village. There in lays the weakness. If their are more then one person ressurrected the User's mind begins to become jumble and it is hard to figure if he is control his body or someone else. His mind will died if more then 2 people are ressurrected because the jutsu get so much stress to the users mind. The Jutsu takes 6 posts to complete which is way this should not be use in a battle. The User must not be disturbed or the jutsu will kill the User along with the person being ressurrected.

Name of Jutsu: Welcome the lighting.
Rank: A
Description: After doing the proper handseals. The user seems to be stuck by lighting but really the user turns into lighting. A cloud appears over head. The user uses the cloud as a place to hide until they decide to strick a peron. When they strike, the user returns back to human and uses a weapon to try to cut their emeny. They can then turn back into lighting and go back to the cloud.
Weakness: The bad part of this jutsu is that it takes alot of chakra to turn into lighting and to return back to human form. Also if the oppent dodges the attack the user will have to act quick or he will hit the ground hard.

Name of Jutsu: Lighting Sand Strom
Rank: S
Description: This jutsu can only be used by the One Tail host. The person has to combo their chakra with the one tail's. Then they summon Sand up. the sand quickly turns into a sand storm and red lighting can be seen inside of the storm. This is good for making sure that someone is dead.
Weakness: This jutsu has two bad parts to it. First it take alot of chakra and puts alot of stress on the user. Second the user has the chance of the demon taking over his body and destroying almost everything and everyone

Jutsu name: Black mirror
Rank: S
Description: The mirror must stay in one piece. The Jutsu summons a black mirror that has the reflection of all the people and area of the area in it, but the Sky is black and everything is opposite. One person can exit the Mirror and walk into our realem. They are not bond by any of the law that are in our world. The Mirror will break by a fist. If it is broken but a special sword it will create a hole in which more opposites can exit from. The oppose my be good or evil. it is a flip of a coin on that(1 is good, 2 is bad). this jutsu lasts for one fight.

Name of Jutsu: Black Lighting
Range of jutsu: None
Jutsu Element: Lighting
Descritpion: After preforming the proper handseals. The user summons lighting out of the ground. It is basicly the same as Chidori, but it uses Black lighting which is light Black flame in the sense that it will stay there for five days without going out. Once it hit its target. The target lossing feeling in their feet and can't run, but the numb feeling begans to spread slowly up making its way to the waist then the arms then the lungs and heart then finally the Brain. It can be stop but simple going under water though. That causes the light to spread away from the body and into the water.

Name of Jutsu: Lighting Drum
Range of jutsu: None
Jutsu Element: Lighting
Descritpion: After preforming the proper handseals. a Drum raise form the ground along with a hammer. Ever time the hammer its the Drum a lighting bolt falls from the sky and heads for the enemy. The lighting homes in on the person and can follow them, but it turns slowly and can't not turn at 60 degrees or higher. The bad part is that there are only as many lighting bolts as the user can hit the drum.(max of 50 lighting bolts at one time)

Name of Jutsu: Underground Lighting
Range of jutsu: None
Jutsu Element: Lighting
Descritpion: After preforming the proper handseals. The user slams their palm onto the ground which sends a lighting bolt into the ground.(rolls 3 10 side dice). the first one is how many posts of yours til the lighting comes back up. And The second Dice is for how many lighting bolts come out of the ground. The lighting has the ablilty to increese in number, but it is random. The third dice is the bad part. If you roll 1-7 you will not be hit, but 8-10 the lighting bolt hits you and not your emeny.

name of Jutsu: Thunder Dome
Rank of Jutsu:A
Range of Jutsu: size of a football stadium
Jutsu's Element: Lighting
Description: This jutsu is meant to keep what is inside of it in and what is outside of it out. If the walls are touch on either side they will send a shock through the Body of who ever touched it. The walls are made of Lighting and packed tightly to together, there is just enough room for others outside to watch. There is a wa in though. You have to use two chidrois to pull open a hole, but once you do that and the hole closes it will send a blast of lighting in both directions.

Name of Jutsu:Healing Lighting
Rank of Jutsu: B
Range of Jutsu: touch
Element: Lighting
Decription: After releasing amount of chakra. the user is engulfed in lighting. The Lighting doesn't heal a wound but stops it from bleeding. It is only good for that, no real healing involved. The User can also use it on an other person by touching them. The jutsu cannot be used as an attack, only propuse is to stop bleeding.

Only know by Ban Raijin
Name: Gift of Raijin
Rank: S
Description: This is very much like a Sage mode but the only difference is that there is no controling of the lighting coming off of the users body. Their speed can easily be compared to that of the Nine tails and their strength will not increese. Their Chakra flow will be shut of from them, not allowing them to use any jutsu during this. After the jutsu is done the person body will twitch every so often because their body is still making too much electricity in their body. If this jutsu is used five times, that the end of the five their heart will stop and will not start up again. only the Lighting Devil has the link need to use the Gift of Raijin. There is no way this can be copied.

Name of jutsu: The Red hand of the Devil
description: The users hand is covered in a red liquid but slowly forms into a shield. it can block almost any attack, because it is made out of pure Chakra. the down part of it is that use you use it you arm turns red and hurt alot. If you use it too much you began to lose feeling in the arm

The Yellow hand of the Devil
desciption: Much like the Red arm of the Devil. this one the users arm is covered in a liquid though this time it is yellow. The arm has the ablity to collect chakra and shot it out of the arm at a high speed. the chakra shot has the ability to destroy almost anything.the down part of it is that use you use it you arm turns red and hurt alot. If you use it too much you began to lose feeling in the arm

Name of Jutsu: Life through death
Rank of Jutsu: SS ranked
Range of Jutsu:
Jutsu's Element:All five elements are used
Description: This Ninjutsu can only be used once and the memory is erased after the user uses it. This Ninjutsu can only activate if the user willing gives up his life. Once he dies the user's body begins to burn slowly. Once it is completely burnt, which takes 2 days real time. the user will be given a new body somewhere else in the world. He will no remember who he is or where he is. His memory will come back to him slowly, as he sees things that were huge in his life, like people who were close to him, or statues and battlegrounds, landmark. Some will have a bigger impact then others. He will keep the amount of chakra he had before the jutsu and his relaxes will be just as sharp, the jutsus he once knew will slowly come back to him. Everything else will have the be relearned. The user will regain his memory completely after one mouth.

Your Rank: SS rank
Ninja Class: Taijutsu/Ninjutsu
Name of Jutsu: The Storm of Life
Rank of Jutsu: SS rank
Jutsu's Element: All five Elements are used
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List? No, it is an inprovement upon Life through Death in my personal Jutsus
Description: Like Life through Death, the users body will be destroyed and a knew body will be brought into this world. Unlike it though, Storm of life brings a new body into this new, one with no memories and no family. The child is a blank board to write on, though the child will have the chakra and jutsus, of the user. Though the child will not know where or how he learned them.

This Jutsu is once used once and when the user deads, his body will begin to burn and destroy itself. The Sky will begin to cloud and thunder can be heard and lighting will strike the ground. The earth will shake and water will pour. Where the user body was once, will begin to glow as a sign to get away from that area. Seconds later, there will be an explosion and a child will be left. The first person the child sees will the them, mom/dad.

New/reaproved Jutsus:

Name of Jutsu: Hidden Heart
Rank of Jutsu: S-rank
Description: Once a member of Jiongu can manifest one of their heart they can then make one take form of a small animal. the small manifest then rans a mile away and hides staying country/village. It stays hidden until the user calls it back or all the other hearts the user has are destroy, then it will wait for one day before returning to the body bringing it back to life.
keep this jutsu active cost 25 chakra points(it is subtracted from the total one has. so if your total is 360, if you have this ability active you will be at 350)
It takes post for the heart to return to the body of the user and then 2 more posts in order to revive the user.

Note: any fatal injuries, ex: missing head or removed soul, will make it so that the body cannot be revived.

Name of Jutsu: Tenkuu Hokou no Gyou: Niban sochi(The Art of Walking on Air, Second Step)
Rank of Jutsu: Joinnin
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu/Taijutsu
Description: Through learning Tenkuu Hokou no Gyou and watching people fight in the air. Rie though that someone without wings need to fight in the sky and through practice made the Niban sochi, or Second Step. With these one can ran in the air as if they were running on the ground. (must use tenkuu Hokou no Gyou first before going onto Niban sochi.

Name of jutsu: Walking Vision
Rank of Jutsu: B rank
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Range of Jutsu: which in one country apart.
Description: This is a non-offencive Jutsu, and a copy of the Akatsuki's Lit Apparition Technique. Once you do the need handseals. You will need to sit down and then a outline of you will appear. Depending on your main element is what color the outline will be. It can appear anywhere that has the symbol(see below). Your outline can talk but can only be heard by other users of this jutsu. You will still be aware of your surrounding but you can't not see what is happening only hear and feel.
User Image

Your Rank: Joinnin
Ninja Class: Taijutsu
Name of Jutsu: Obsidian Hide
Rank of Jutsu: Sannin
Jutsu's Element: none
Jutsu Type:Taijutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List?no
Description: The user flows chakra through all parts of their body causing it to become black, which increases their defensive power to its utmost limits by making the skin as hard as obsidain. Furthermore, the destructive power of physical attacks is increased, making this a great all-purpose technique. The amount of techniques that can break through the areas hardened by the Obsidian Hide are close to zero, excluding its undeniable weak point: A-rank Lightning Release ninjutsu. S+ or higher will shatter the defense.
Once active, Chakra drain of 5 per post.

Name of Jutsu: Thread sight
Rank of Jutsu: Gennin
Jutsu's Element:Bloodline
Jutsu Type:Bloodline technique
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List?No, though can be taught
Description: A very simple techinque, through sending tendrils out in every direction the user can feel when something touches it.
Radius: 15ft