Serious natural disasters are sweeping the ninja's world. Because of the intense wind in Suna and Fires in Konoha the Cloud is burdened with high pollution from the smoke of the wildfires burning in the nearby forests of the fire country. This smoke has killed many plants, wildlife and even some people. In some places of the Lightning Country the smoke is so intense that one cannot breath nor run anyplace less smoky for miles. This has created huge problems and social unrest for the civilians living in the Lightning country.

Low Ranked Tasks
~Replant all plant life harmed by Smoke
~Help clear the smoke.
~Round up fleeing and rampant animals that may harm villages and people to survive.

Medium Ranked Tasks.

~Clear the smoke.
~Help save people from smoky villages
~Search for missing people.

High Ranked Tasks.

~Serve as Riot guard from small villages that no longer trust Cloud.
~Clear smoke.
~Help prevent something like this from happening again.