...Than have this crappy movie?

You all know who I'm talking about, so let me skip any annoying pretenses and say it outright:
I've just recently finished the anime, and the end was okay-- it was good that it was left open. It wasn't the best ending the writers could have made but it was still definitely good overall.
The movie is a completely different story, in my opinion.
So, it starts off with a story which you originally don't know is in fact, a story, being told by Ed. To me, it started off pretending that it was going to live up to the title of being a Fullmetal Alchemist ending-movie and proceeded to yell "Fooled you!" in the viewers face, transport us to Germany quite long ago, and give us the 'other side' Al and a very, very changed Ed.

The movie was more similar to a poorly written fanfiction than the anime.

I don't need to influence your opinion any further, but feel free to dicuss other bad (or good) aspects of the movie with your answers.

So that brings us to the real question:

Would you be ready to be a murderer?

Let's say you had the option to go back in time and decide every aspect of the movie-- what it was going to be about, how long (or short) a time it took place after the anime series, everything anyone said or did, and the setting and everything else.

In that case, would you keep the movie as it was?
Change a few aspects?
Scrap the piece of crap and get working on a different one?
Or anything else?

A more difficult question?
Let's say the writers let you give an opinion, watch the movie, and they would let you decide-- they could keep the movie as it was, exactly the same, or they could change it in any ways you'd request-- But if they did change it, whether a little or a lot, Ed or Al would have to die at the end.

Would you kill one of the two most major characters in order to salvage the plot, the personalities, and anything else?

Call me a psycho, but I would.