- Serpent Yo-Yo Jutsu
This is a jutsu that can be used only on yo yos. The base of this jutsu is inputting chakra into said yo yos, then giving a constant feed along the strings to achieve certain effects. The effects only last as long as the chakra is being put into the yo yos. If the chakra is being stopped somehow, then no effect is achieved. Along with that, the chakra input can be cancelled while the yo yos are still in flight, but it can't be put back in until they are back in your hands. This means that if fire chakra were put in, and the yo yos thrown, if the user were to stop the chakra feed themselves, or someone were to sneak up and disrupt the user's chakra, they would become normal yo yos until they are recalled. Also, only one type can be put into a yo yo at any one time. So if lightning is being put into one, you can't put another type in until the lightning chakra currently in it is used up. There is a limit to the number of yo yos that can have chakra put into them at any one time:
Chunin: Get 4 yo yos
Jonin: Get 6
Sanin: Get 8

Fire: Sending chakra of the fire type into the yo yos will add a degree of burning to any attack that manages to make contact. Depending on the rank of the user, this can range from a minor burn like putting your hand on a hot mug to being set on fire. There is no fire that coincides with this heat, so cloth won't burn, but metal can still melt if the temperature is high enough.

Air: By sending air chakra into the yo yos, the attack comes at a heightened speed. This doesn't mean more force, just more speed so it is tougher to dodge or hit.

Lightning: By sending lightning chakra into a yo yo, a stunning effect is gained. This stun is dependent on the level of the user and the location of the hit. Lower ranks can give minor stuns that won't last very long but can cause a bit of pain, while higher ranks can cause longer lasting stuns that also give a high degree of pain. If the person is hit in the chest, the stun is increased overall the heartbeat of the person being hit is also increased due to the electric shock. If directed at a limb, the shock isn't as bad overall but the limb in question will get a stronger shock.

Earth: This is a different effect from most. By sending earth based chakra into the yo yo, the user gains the ability to travel on the yo yo. The more yo yos that are used, the faster a person can go. At a base of one, the user goes at a walking pace, two gives a running pace, three adds the effects of two yo yos with the effect of one yo yo and four is double the speed of 2. It continues beyond that using the same pattern: 5 is 4 plus 1, 6 is double 4, ect. The yo yos while in this state can only travel along the ground and are unable to go into the air. The advantage is though, that the yo yos are unaffected by inclines of any type in the earth. So a straight 90 degree turn up in the earth won't bother it. The earth chakra can be used to attack, but nothing more will happen other than a sore foot since they can't really go up the body.

Water: Putting water chakra into the yo yos doesn't give the yo yo itself any extra abilities, but instead converts the strings into water. This makes it much more difficult to sever the strings. A sword slice won't break them but, as an extreme example, say a person were to fall on top of them. That would break the connection. If the strings do manage to get broken, they turn back into regular strings. Using the same example as above, the strings would be severed, and three parts would be formed: one attached to the yo yo still, one attached to the user's finger, and one that would normally have connected the other two pieces, that was broken by the person falling on it.

Demon: A different effect is achieved if demon chakra is put in instead of the users own chakra. In this state, the yo yos grow to approximately 10 feet wide. The same rules apply as if elemental chakra were put in and the yo yos can't be recalled until they return to their normal size by removing the demon chakra.