Ryo Loki
Bounty Hunter Class: Taijutsu
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Well the leaders of the village were all pretty much gone or stuck in some kind of strange stand-up coma, so Ryo decided it would be better for him if he just went to some other village for his initial genin training. But since he knew he would be gone for quite some time, Ryo decided that he should at least take advantage of the library while he was still around it. After all, they might not let him back in after he leaves. Ryo hoped that it wouldn't be the case and strolled through the information aisles. He picked out every single profile and information record on all jounin and over ranked-ninjas in the Grass village, as well as the information they had collected on their enemies. It saddened Ryo's heart when he saw his "brother" among those profiles, but he kept the picture that came with it. Then on top of that, Ryo gathered all of the Katon, Medical, and Universal ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu scrolls. Unfortunately he couldn't access the Grass-only section, as that required special permission to access. With his huge heavy sack of scrolls and profiles, Ryo checked them all out and stuffed them into his backpack as neatly as he was able before heading out for the gates.
