This subform is for the discussion of other Christian bands. You can post a thread about any other band. [Ex: Thousand Foot Krutch, Demon Hunter, RED, Emery, etc.] Or solo artist. Provide information about them, their music, and maybe a link to the official website or music videos.

Feel free to make a topic for a non-christian band as long as they are a good band with noc ursing or negative elements in their music. Thanks!

Please make sure to look and see if there is already a topic for the band you wish to post one for. We do not allow more than one topic for each band. This is not a forum for many different topics over one band. All of the bands discussion will go in that bands topic.

All topics are subject to approval. If I do not like what you have done or said in a topic, I may edit your post(s). Also, If I do not think that the band you have posted a topic for is appropriate for this forum, or if it is a double topic, I will delete it without warning.