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Arborview is a new band that is currently located in the Dallas area in Texas. Their music is amazing for it being their first productions. They have recorded three of their songs, which can be found on Itunes, and are recording more soon. They love their fans, and always stay in touch. Their music is full of catchy rock sounds, with some screaming, which is always at the right time. They put on a great show, always leaving the croud wanting more. They currently have an EP on the horizon, and when it comes out, we may all be in for a huge surprise.

Arborview would have to be my sixth favorite band right now. They are from the same are that I am from, so that makes it all the better. The members are amazing people, and they are fun to talk to. Arborview's music is absolutely amazing, and I always want to go to another concert!

Arborview's Sites :

Myspace -

Stickam -