Alright, I suppose I should post this so you guys can make the proper posts, it seems you guys worry about posting anything because there is no rule set or explanation.

Okay so rules are exactly the same for this subforum, nothing special.
No posting pictures unless it has to do with the forum game though, like if its a "Guess the anime of this picture" or something.

Pretty much, this forum is for your friendly forum games, such as the "Naruto ABC" game that was in this guild's main forum before I killed it (Lol)
I apologize to anyone who enjoyed playing that game when they came in, I will open a new one just to be friendly since I had deleted it.

And yes forum games includes quizzes and such, do NOT post quizzes in the chatterbox! I dont want our chatterbox being as messy as the main gaia one.


I know most of you dont like long explanations so go ahead and post, but remember, follow the guild rules! Just because you dont see me post as often as you, doesnt mean I am not there, I AM watching you all