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Panic! At The Disco Fan Guild

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A place for Panic! At The Disco fans to gather and discuss. 

Tags: Panic! At The Disco, Brendon Urie, Music 

Reply PANIC At The Disco Fan Guild
Calendar Business - [Guild Updates] Last Update: 2-10-13

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PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2009 12:41 pm
He tried to save the calendar business.

Guild Updates

This sticky is dedicated to Panic! At The Disco Fan Guild updates, as well as just random announcements. The updates have nothing to do with the band (please go to the "Douse The Lights" sticky if you are looking for band updates). This sticky is to watch the guild grow and develope over time, and it will give you the latest updates and changes that I make in the guild, and will also just give me the chance to tell you guys a few things. In the following post, the newest updates will always be listed on top, and the oldest at the bottom. Thanks for keeping updated with the Fan Guild, and keep enjoying Panic! At The Disco!
PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2009 12:43 pm
    2-10-13 Apparently, we are making a "guild come-back"! Let's do this.

    8-3-11 I just made tons of updates in the stickies. I was seriously slacking, but everything should be updated now. The Band Information sticky now has Vices & Virtues info, and the Lyrics sticky now has Vices & Virtues lyrics, as well as the bonus tracks. Oh, and I got rid of the "Band Timeline." After Panic! At The Disco didn't have much going on in 2010, I guess I kind of just forgot about the timeline, so the last updates were in 2009. Ouch. Since I don't have much time to update it anymore, and I don't think anyone even noticed it, I just took it down and saved it in a Word document on my computer. If I have time someday, I'll bring it back! Since the guild has been pretty dead, I plan on inviting a bunch of people to join. <3

    2-10-11 I invited some new members today, as well as updated the home page. The ball is finally rolling for Vices & Virtues!

    12-8-10 It seems as though the guild is DEAD, and it makes me sad. I really hope things will pick back up now that the new album is only a few months away. Today I updated the main page of the guild, and I also invited a few more people to become members. If any of them join, please be welcoming in the Proper Introduction thread. <3

    8-16-10 Whoa. It has been far too long since I've updated this sticky. I will try to update more frequently. <3 If you didn't get the memo, my account was hacked early in July. I couldn't log into this account until recently. I also have all of my items back, so everything is all taken care of. Your guild owner is back! As you can see, Gaia updated the home page of the guild. There is now bar on the right side of the screen. I feel extra special because it shows my avatar's face. 8] I will be working on updating the main page.

    12-30-09 - Everyone should send Polyphonic Twilight flowers, chocolates, and goodies, because she animated the new Panic! At The Disco Fan Guild banner! I hope everyone likes it. I'm finally done constructing the Rules and Banners sticky. I decided to remove the "profiles" section, because the profiles seemed old, and I didn't notice anyone using them. Also, I removed all the banners from the banner list that featured pictures of Jon Walker or Ryan Ross. I'm sorry if a banner you made was deleted, but I have to keep the guild updated! We could really use some more banners, so if you decide to make one, please just feature the band's name, and(or) just pictures of Brendon Urie and Spencer Smith. Thanks!

    12-28-09 - Hey, Guild! Everyone having a happy holidays? I hope so! So, I think we all could agree that the guild has been pretty dead the past few months. I don't think that the guild's members have stopped being dedicated, though. I think it's just that since Panic! has been pretty idle lately, we have too. I totally slacked on the "Calendar Business" sticky for the past year, so I tried to start filling in some of the dates for 2009. I still have a lot to go, though. If you'd like to help, just go to the "Helping with the Timeline" thread. There should be a link in the sticky. I haven't changed the main guild page because it seems like Panic! should be mentioning replacements for Jon and Ryan anyday now, so I don't want to get too ahead of myself. Have a happy New Year! (Woo, 2010, the year I graduate, and the year Panic! will come out with a third album!)

    7-3-09 - Gosh, I miss you guys. I honestly do. I'm so upset that I haven't been able to spend as much time here as I would like to. I'm writing this to let you all know that I'll be camping today through Monday evening. I love you guys, and like I said, I miss you guys so much. You've probably read this in a different thread, but my basement flooded and my computer has been unplugged on and off for a while now. Hopefully, my dad will finish painting the basement soon after I get back from camping so that my computer stays plugged in for good. Stay safe, and go listen to some Pretty. Odd..

    6-5-09 - Today was my last day of school. Woo! I've been applying for jobs, but I'm still going to have a lot more time to spend in the guild for the rest of the summer. You may have noticed the new banner on the front page of the guild (the colorful one with Panic sitting on the couch). The image in that banner was one of my projects in my digital photography class. I used a technique called aquatinting on photoshop. If any of you photoshop owners are interested in how I did it, I'd be happy to explain it to you. I hope you like it, because it took forever! Haha. I hope you guys are all enjoying the beginning of summer!

    5-23-09 - Well, I finally got my account back like I said in the anouncement. I've been re-doing all the stickies with this account. Thank you all for being patient while the forum is a little messy.

    3-23-09 - I just had to delete a bunch of posts. Please don't be offended if I deleted one of yours. I feel as though some of the members are forgetting to read the entire first post of a thread before they post. Please remember to do that; it's imporant if you want to follow the rules of the thread, show intelligence, etc. Also, just as a reminder, this is a Panic At The Disco fan guild. It's not a good idea to harshly flame Panic At The Disco in here. D=

    3-11-09 - If the guild has been glitchy lately, it's because the Gaia devs are working on updating the guild system! They are literally reformatting everything.

    This may not be a problem for everyone, but if you happen to find all of the guild buttons (such as View Forum, Guild Members, etc) in a vertical line, simply press the "Refresh" button on your browser, and the guild updates will take place.

    Heads up: I think there will be even more updates coming our way. <3

    12-29-08 - I hope everyone had a happy holiday! Please stay safe during New Year. Don't fall for peer pressure~!

    I've noticed that people are getting along in the guild much better and there has been a lot less repeat threads. It's fantastic! <3 Lets keep it this way.

    11-15-08 - I'm not sure if I'm just late at noticing this, but I noticed something pretty cool a few days ago. If you go to the guild search engine thing, and you click "Music" on the catorgory drop-down, the Panic At The Disco Fan Guild is on the first page! Infact, we're the tenth guild on the list. How cool is that! :] Although it'll take a lot of time and effort, lets try to make the Panic At The Disco Fan Guild the first band on the list. Tell all of your friends about us! Thank you to everyone that has made this guild such a success! It really is a dream come true to me. <3

    11-9-08 - I have sort of figured out the problem with the front page. Basically, Gaia doesn't like when I put in color codes for fonts right now. xD Hopefully they'll fix it sometime soon.

    11-8-08 - Okay, as you've probably noticed, I'm having issues with the front page of the guild. Everytime I try to edit it, after I press save, Gaia puts random spaces in the coding that causes the coding not to work -- and I'm positive and doing the codes right. It'll put random spaces in a code such as "", making that look something like, "[col o r=#x x xxxx ][/colo r]". I hope it's just a glitch, because it's driving me crazy! If you know what the problem is, feel free to PM me.

    11-1-08 - I hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween! And hope you guys are all having a blast at the Rock Band tour if you attended. I just wanted to point out that I updated the video post in the Band Background sticky, since the video for "Northern Downpour" has been released. I updated the Awards post in the Band Background sticky, too. I know I have been slacking on updating the "Douse The Lights" sticky, so I will begin to work on getting it back up to date shortly.

    9-19-08 - You have all probably noticed that Gaia has a new IM feature, that I personally absolutely love. I just wanted to let you guys know that you can feel free to IM me at anytime if you have any questions, concerns, comments, suggestions, or you just want to talk. ^^ <3 Also, yesterday I found out that I made my school's varsity competitive dance team, so I will now probably only have a half hour to an hour to spend on Gaia Monday through Thursday with some exceptions. I hope you're all understanding! <3 Take care, and have a Panicky - Disco day. <3

    9-2-08 - I moved the "Over 1,000 Members!" thread to the random discussion forum as a normal thread (not an announcement). I'm still completely thrilled we have made it this far! Keep Panicking At The Disco!

    8-28-08 - Hey guys! Tomorrow I'm leaving for my cabin. I'll be gone Friday night, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday morning. On Tuesday, I start school. Just like the school years before, us younger kids won't be able to be on as much as we are in the summer. I will still try to update things as much as possible. <3 Get you Panic school supplies ready, but don't forget about the guild just because school is starting. ;]

    8-14-08 - There's a new banner on the front page of the guild. ^^

    8-9-08 - I've noticed that many people (especially lately) are advertising other threads, forums, guilds, and websites inside the Panic At The Disco Fan Guild. To me as an owner, I sort of feel awkward when people try to direct others out of the guild and into other websites and guilds. In the random discussion forum, I've let a few people slide with creating advertising threads about other guilds and such. I'm going to be deleting all of the advertising threads, because I've recently declined a couple requests through PMs to advertise other guilds in the Panic At The Disco Fan Guild and it wouldn't be fair to these other people if I let only specific people advertise. I hope you guys understand where I'm coming from, and I don't mean to be rude when I decline your requests. It's kind of like how...you shouldn't go into a coffee shop if you're holding a cappachino from a different coffee shop down the street, you know?

    Here are some ideas for you guys to advertise your other websites you own (or guilds, threads, etc) outside of the Panic At The Disco Fan Guild.
    - Make a banner for your guild or website and put it in your signature.
    - Put a banner on your profile.
    - Put a banner in your journal.
    - Ask your friends to put banners in their signatures and profiles.
    - Put banners in your "out links" on your popular threads.
    - Put the link in your "www" icon.
    - Search "advertise" on the guild search feature, and a couple guilds will come up that were created specifically for advertising guilds. Join them.
    - Tell your friends about it through private messages. (but only once per person!)
    - Meet people on towns and if they are interested in the topic that your guild or website is on, tell them about it.
    - etc.

    (I will not be deleting quest threads. I will accept people advertising their Gaia quests.)

    8-4-08 - "Calendar Business" sticky is created.

    7-29-08 - I changed some topic topics around the guild. Sorry if I changed one of your thread titles. I was getting confused. Please try to make your thread titles somewhat relate to your topic or give a hint to what your topic is about. It's easier to find when you're looking for that topic, and it's easier to see if there are any repeat threads. It also makes the forum look prettier and more professional. It'd be helpful if you changed your thread titles to something recognizable, because I can't go through each thread title by myself. Thank you, and please don't be offended.

    7-11-08 - Within the past month or so, I've noticed a lot of (what seems to be) new members in Gaia join the guild. I have no problem with this, but some of the new members have been acting out annoying behaviors. These new members do not yet know of the etiquette that old Gaia members expect. I'm going to list a few things that I expect of you in this guild.

    - Do not make repeat threads. I know that everyone makes mistakes, and it's fine if you honestly didn't see that there was already a thread on the topic you'd like to discuss. But please put some effort into looking in the forum before you just make a thead. If you know that the event you are discussing is an older topic, look far back in the forum, and vise versa for new events. Just use common sense.
    - Don't act like you know everything about the band. This is extremely annoying, especially to older fans. No one here knows everything about them. Not me, not you, no one. Don't just make things up about them to create discussion. That's how rumors start, and no one likes rumors.
    - Do not make threads that have no point of discussion. If you just want to tell a story or something, then post it in a different thread. You don't need to make a thread for every little Panic At The Disco related thing that happens to you.
    - Respect goes very far. Just stop being a b***h and respect other peoples opinions and thoughts. Like I said before, you don't know everything.
    - Be literate with your writing. I know some of you are very young (eleven - fourteen-ish) because most Panic At The Disco fans happen to be young, but you don't need to act so immature. Use what you learned in school about writing and apply it to the guild. Stop using chatspeak (unless it's a joke)! Infact, not just in this guild. People who use chatspeak anywhere on Gaia are not respected well.
    - Understand that some people have been in this guild for a lot longer than you have, so have some respect for the oldies. Understand that I have ability to ban you anytime I feel like it, and I'm not afraid to do so. I don't enjoy doing such things, but I will do it without hesitation.
    - Place threads in the appropriate forum. It's not hard for me to move them, but it makes you look like you have no common sense when you put a thread in the wrong forum without it even being an accident.
    - Don't over use emoticons. I don't know how else to explain it other than this: it's annoying as ********. D= Also, don't over use punctuation marks such as periods and exclamation points. Once again, it's just really annoying.
    - Don't make the first post of a thread noobish. Try to make it as professional as possible so that people actually take you seriously. It's fine to joke around to have fun in the guild, but please try to be somewhat serious when you're making a first post.

    8-11-07 - A Random Discussion sub forum is created.

    4-4-07 - An Other Music Discussion sub forum is created.

    1-5-07 - The Panic At The Disco Fan Guild is created.


PANIC At The Disco Fan Guild

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