One of the members expressed a complaint about poisons, antidotes, soldier pills, and all that good stuff. I felt it was something worth noting so I would like to attract the Crew's attention to this:

Katsuro Kinjo
alright during an earlier disscusion I can say that poisosn have become a more active tactic in the guild but alot of poisons in real life could kill people in seconds and other problems are soilder pills and antidotes, well alot of poisons are dangerous but anyone of any rank can create a powerful poison that can kill S-rank ninjas that isn't ok really I suggest a list of poisosn and antidotes cause really this is a problem anyone can go into a hospital and get medicien but we need a list that will cure certain types of poiosn make a post for a subforum becasue sooner or later thsi will becoem a huge issue trust me, My RPC is a user of poisons and the posiosn is sorta undiscriptive and this would help prevent goodmoddign other issues, Please look into it

-Katsuro Kinjo