I joined the guild to get some feedback about my poetry, so any criticism is welcome! smile

Winter Reflections

I look over the water,
Watching ripples form,
As my thoughts unwind.
I wonder about you,
I long to be held,
By the man I love.

Winter Snowfall

Snowfall comes quickly,
Thick flakes falling, surrounding,
Quickly covering.
I feel my body grow cold,
Lights flash in my eyes,
I close my eyes and grow warm.

Horrors Within

My fears consume me
As the blade glints in the light
Reflecting myself
Revealing the horrors within
Begging to be released.


I walk by slowly
Their hushed whispers follow
Inside I cry out
Wishing, wanting them to stop
Praying for it all to end.


Pale blue wings flutter
Carrying it on the breeze
Fly free, little one.