Your Rank: Jounin/ANBU
Name of Jutsu: Raikozan (Lightning great cut)
Rank of Jutsu: Jounin
Range of Jutsu: About 100 yards.
Jutsu's Element: Lightning
Description: A Kusa Shinobi Vrail Hatake created this jutsus, when he was train with the Raikage. Raikozan changes the user's chakra in the form of lightning. It will form massive bolts of white electricity between the user's hands, which is then shaped into the form of a massive blade or trowel shape. It will be shot, like goku's kamehameha, taking what ever chakra needs. The jutsu itself is perfect for attacking large targets or piercing through barriers or walls. The Raikozan is extremely fast and is very hard to dodge, for the lack of responce time it give the oponent. Since the jutsu drains a tremendous ammount of chakra, the jutsu can only be done when the user is in dire need, and only then for a brief period for a singular slash. Only once a fight can a ninja use this jutsus. If he uses it more than once he will become unconius and likely die. It is not ment to be used as a defensive jutsu, for it was designed to kill. If used with special Chakra like White Chakra, from the Hatake Clan, then it become more powerful and faster.