Theory of a Dead Man

This is my own work and not of anyone else...That I know of..O.o..I KNEW PEOPLE WERE GETTING IN MY BRAIN!! Anywho. I like to write and so far I came up with this little story in my head and it wont let me sleep ^^ I hate when that happens...SO ANYWHO enough rambaling...
First off..IMPORTANT!!

This may and most likely will contain mild violence and cursing...You've been warned

secondly. please pm with your thoughts ^^ I'd just like to keep the posts for chapters or 'pages' of the chapters. I'll have a special place for all GOOD comments..No bashing please..
I hope you enjoy so..Now...the plot..The lights the action and the story that'll keep you on the edge of your seats....hopefully

Oh and does have references to Repo!The Genetic opera

and now the disclamer:I do not own Repo! the genetic opera or any of its people or its story lines

just to be safe >.>

What if you could have genetic perfection? Even though it was pure..What if...It could change everything. Thats what Sadey wanted after she looked in the mirror comparing her self to everyone that was pretty wishing that she had eyes like or a nose like that or even fuller lips.
But no one told her...What the price was...

Chapter 1:When death rings your door bell...You run

She sat silently on her couch holding a hand held mirror to her 'perfcect' face. Or almost perfect face she though with a glower "oh but that'll ruin my face" she sighed "I have to be positive" This had no effect on her. She had told herself that million times. Be happy. Be positive but where was the fun in life when you couldn't be mad. Or Angery or upset..Just...Happy. Mandy hated this. Wishing she had a normal life. Not a tv comercial super modle rockin body life. She smiled again practicing her lines for the tv add just one last time"Zydrate. Its uses and abuses book. Now on sale" she sighed. Even this ad sucked as well as her enthusasim for it.

To be continued..--DUN DUN DUNNAAAHHH
comment. me hug me >.> just..something =D