I mean c'mon people. I know this a new guild (i think) but all i hear about is types of music nothing about the in depth of music. For example one of Linkin Park's more popular songs "Bleed It Out". Let's talk about Bleed It Out.
Genre: It's not an alternative song, it's a rapcore song.
Lyrics/Meaning: There's nothing emo about this song(no cutting, no suicide). It possibly has to do with political problems/war and how soldiers are fighting for no reason.
Musical elements: classic Linkin Park with the first 2 verses a rap and the chorus and the final verse sung/screamed by Chester. Two guitars 2nd chorus and during outro. Use of piano during choruses, more noticeable in the 1st chorus. Use of a tambourine and clapping. Upbeat. Really noticeable bass. Use of noticeable backing vocals during 3rd verse. The ongoing cheers in the background. The main riff is probably played by picking instead by strumming.
Other notes lol: Produced by Rick Rubin (the greatest producer of our time!!!!)

That's all i can get from it. Let this topic be about exploring the in depth of songs.