Everybody who has a shop and wants a chance to sell inside the guild, can happily make your shop here smile

If you need help setting up your shop thread, please ask either someone in charge of the guild, or someone else who knows the ropes of getting started!
*(Added by Princess Zelda21)


1. No judging other shops
2. No begging for free stuff unless it's obviously a freebie shop
3. No spamming
4. No bumping unless the shop says so
5. You must follow the shop rules inside the shop
6. If you have nothing good to say about the shop, don't say anything at all.


7. The shops must not have anything to do with things outside of GaiaOnline such as occult items from satanic religions, etc. (Example: No divination, tarot cards or anything like or related to that.) It can contain drawing avatars, selling items, alchemy, or GoFusion things.
8. Make sure the avatar art follows Gaia's Terms of Service rules AT ALL TIMES! Absolutely NO NSFW junk! This is important, you don't want your account reported and then banned for posting artwork that gets you into trouble, so don't do it!
*(Rules 7 and 8 added by Princess Zelda21)