This is something I wrote for a test in 9th grade. It's a really messed up story, but I like it, and I've had alot of people tell me they did as well, so I figured I'd share it all with you.

"Meal time!" shouted the guard on the other side of the locked iron door as a small slot opened at its bottom, letting in some light, & a bowl of bread & water pushed through. "Come & get it, you mangy mutt! Lord knows it's more than YOU deserve." With that, the door slot closed & the room's sole inhabitant was swallowed into the darkness.

As usual, the man in the room just gazed into empty space, sitting in a corner, without showing a sign of recognition of what just occured. Indeed, he hadn't noticed a thing. No, he was too absorbed with what he had done. For perhaps the millionth time that day, he reflected on the past.

He had lived a harsh life. HIs mother had died giving birth to him & his father, wracked with grief, became an alcoholic who abused him, until his sixteenth birthday. That day he hung himself. Later that year, he dropped out of high school & went to work for a vacuum cleaning company, as a door to door salesman.

Then he met Cecile. She was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, & he knew he was in love. He was twenty then, & even though she was only fourteen, he knew she was meant for him. He knew it.

For the next two years he watched her. Whenever he saw her he'd try to get up the nerve to go talk to her, but he'd always fail. He just couldn't do it. So, he just watched from afar.

Every day after work he would drive by her house, park his car in an empty lot, & sneak to the back of her house. There he would hide in the bushes & look at her through her bedroom window. He wanted just to see her. Nothing else.

It was usually around eleven at night when he did this. Normally she would be sleeping or doing homework. Not that night though. That night was different. That night she was with someone.

He couldn't believe what was unfolding before him. How could she? Why would she betray him like this? Horrified, his mind was a mass of the chaos of these questions. He stood there, tears freely flowing from his eyes, watching her let another boy start to lift her shirt, as she began to undo his belt, while locked in the embrace of each other's lips.

Crying, he suddenly became aware of the feeling of warm wentess & pain in his hands. Looking down at them, he saw that he held them so tightly clenched that his fingernails had punctured the skin fo the palm of his hand & was bleeding. Mortified, he wiped them on his pants. As he did so, he felt a bulge in his right pocket. Reaching into it, he felt & pulled out a pocket knife that he carried for protection. Looking back into the room, he began to feel only hatred...

When the police arrived, they were aghast at what they saw. When they were called in, it had been because of the neighbors hearing breaking glass. They came prepared for a break-in, not THIS. The window was broken, Cecile & the boy were dead, & the man was kneeling by Cecile, her blood dripping from his mouth.

The man was arrested & put on trial. There was enough evidence against him, & he was sentenced to life in high-security prison, without a chance for parole. Throughout it all he never said a word.

The man remembered it all. He had eaten her heart. After all, she belonged to HIM. Now, she was a part of him. He had her love, & no one could ever take it from him.

The corners of the man's mouth began to twitch. Soon, those twitches turned into a hideous smile. The smile of the devil. For the first time since it all had happened, he made a sound: "HAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"