Place for any contests to be placed. If I or the Vice Captain put up any contests its prize will be determined by how much is in the crew's account of gold if any gold is given and if its an item if that item is in either of our possessions. Anyone else can make a contest just they will have to make sure they can cover whatever prize they put up for the winner. If I or Vice Captain place up a contest I don't want anyone who participated to feel like they lost so everyone will get a reward so no one feels like they lost but everyone will feel like a winner. I think that will encourage more people to help donate to have gold saved up to go towards contests. Donations are not a requirement its just a suggestion but you're not required to do a donation to take part in a contest just it takes longer to earn gold and save it up on ones self other than if help is given so yea. Anyway, that's the basics. Keep contests clean please. Thank you.